Posts tagged The Faith/Christianity
Aren’t all religions the same? Don’t all religions point to the same God?

Are all religions the same? Do all religions point to the same God? These questions have been and are continuing to be asked by many people. As Christians, we must be able to answer this question when people ask and help them see how these questions should actually cause them to question why they believe what they believe.

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What's the Big Deal…pt. 2: How Men & Women Are Different

The topic of the relationship between men and women, their roles in marriage, their treatment of each other, their consideration of each other, their similarities & differences, and so on, can be polarizing and messy. This past Sunday (5/21/17), I taught the 5th part of my church's relationship series. My topic was, “What is the big deal between men & women?”. Because of the feedback I received, I decided to post it as a blog-article series. Here in Part 2 of this blog-article series, I cover “How men & women are different”.

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What’s the Big Deal Between Men & Women? pt. 1: How Men & Women Are Similar

The topic of the relationship between men and women, their roles in marriage, their treatment of each other, their consideration of each other, their similarities & differences, and so on, can be polarizing and messy. This past Sunday (5/21/17), I taught the 5th part of my church's relationship series. My topic was, “What is the big deal between men & women?”. Because of the feedback I received, I decided to post it as a blog-article series. Here in Part 1 of this blog-article series, I cover “How men & women are similar”.

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